Our Range of Packages

Securing admission abroad is one part of the study abroad process. There are many other things you will need as student to make your tavelling and stay a success.

At Kr8tiv Consults, we know all those things you will need and we have gone ahead to make provisions for them.

Kindly fill the form below to let us know which of these services you will require.

Guidance on Post Study Work Permit

We will guide you on how to secure a Work Permit after your study.

Guidance on Proof of Funds

Having issues with getting a Proof of Funds? We will guide you on what to do.

Accommodation Arrangements

We can handle your accomdation requirements and get an affordable and suitable place to stay while you study.

Skilled Worker Visa Application

Have a special skill and want to earn from it while you study? Discuss with so we can guide you on the right approach to take.

Part Time Jobs

We can help you get a Part-time job to support yourself while you are studying.

Dependent visa

Want your spouce or loved ones to accompany you? Talk to us, let’s help you process the Visa.

Flight Bookings

Don’t know which airline or or type of flight to book? Our trusted partners will handle that for you.

Extra Services

Need a special service regarding your stay or admission? Don’t hesitate to talk to us and we will work together with you to achieve it.

Want Any of Our Special Packages Above?

Just click the button below and provide us with your required package or packages, and we will take it up from there.

Our Office

UK Address: 2 Pear Tree Road, Derby. DE23 6PY, United Kingdom

Our Office

Nigerian Address:
No 3 Navy Captain Corcodia Layout Opposite Notore
C.R.A Onne, Eleme, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Contact Us

John +447832623463

Mercy  +44 7587 247369

Email: info(at)kr8tivconsults.com

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed